Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Temporary homeschool organization

Just Greyson being silly!!!

I forgot that I wanted to make a post of how we are currently organizing our homeschooling things. Since we are moving in 5 weeks I decided to just stash things wherever I could fit them. So right now that means in the kitchen and some in the living room. I hope that once we get moved either 1. we will have a spare room that I can make into a "school room" or 2. I am going to get a few organizer things and make things look nicer as I really can't stand the way things are now.

First up this is how I am storing workbooks, writing pads, drawing pads and construction paper. This is a 12x12 scrapbook paper holder and it works great for this use for us.

Overall picture of where most of it is stored currently....oh and yeah that is our deep freeze it is sitting on...see why it drives me nuts??

Books stored on the bookcase in the living room:

Markers, Scissors, paint brushes and colored pencils:

Crayons, glue, and chalk:

Now this is not all of our homeschooling stuff some of it is stuffed all over the house, in the spare room, in Greyson's room, my room etc. This is just the bulk of it that is in my way!! I will post later about "curriculum" that I got for Greyson to try and work through this year. We shall see how that goes as well as what method and other plans for this year.

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